ACC 27th Anniversary Activities
On Friday 26th August 2016, Asia Cement organized a celebration in recognition of the Company’s 27th year anniversary that will occur on Tuesday 23rd of August 2016. In the morning, the management and employees joined together in a religious ceremony and in the afternoon they went to the Double Blind, Disabled Child Home, Bangkok. These children are blind with other disabilities, for instance, being blind and dumb, being blind and autistic or being blind, dumb and autistic, and so on.
They cannot go to schools in general, the Double Blind, Disabled Child Home is, thus, the only refuge for them. It provides them four necessities for a living, learning activities and physical and mental rehabilitation. It is both school and home of these children with a close care of teachers and escorts. There are 59 children in total, 28 boys and 31 girls, in the Home. The Company donated a sum of money and necessities such as powder milk, diaper, soap, medicines. The management and employees of the Company also made personal money donation.

ACC 27th Anniversary Activities.

ACC 27th Anniversary Activities.

ACC 27th Anniversary Activities.

ACC 27th Anniversary Activities.

ACC 27th Anniversary Activities.

ACC 27th Anniversary Activities.