Corporate Governance
- Asia Cement’s Code of Business Conduct
We, Asia Cement believes in and adheres that an outstanding company is not only characterized by leading market positions and operational excellence but also by a strong company culture. We are committed to operate our business with ethical standards and strictly comply with relevant laws in order to grow sustainably together with participating in the social and economic development of the country.
Therefore, Asian Cement has established our Code of Business Conduct to guide all our personnel to be in line with the company’s goals. Our Code of Business Conduct covers the policy regarding the compliance with laws, dealing with conflicts of interests, dealing with suppliers, customer and competitors, handling of information and confidentiality, fair employment practices, environment, occupational Health & Safety. - Anti-Corruption Policy
Asia Cement believes in and adheres to the ethical standards of business conduct. We are willing to comply strictly with all applicable laws. Therefore, we have established and announced policies to prevent corruptions in all aspect and emphasized the compliance with the policy in order to create company’s values and culture. In addition, we set up a transparent internal audit and control system in accordance with corporate governance. Moreover, Asia Cement also set up an effective reporting channels for all stakeholder who witness any offense.
The Asia Cement's Anti-Corruption Policy is covering all necessary matters, in example, compliance with applicable laws, offering and receiving gifts, dealing with government agencies, sponsorships & donations, appointment or transfer of employees. - Human Rights Position
Asia Cement commits to our responsibility to respect human rights as we always believe that human are important resources for the social development. We are moreover committed to complying with internationally accepted principles related to such matter such as The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Labour Standards of the International Labour Organization (ILO) and The United Nations Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights.Asia Cement has officially announced the Human Right Position to setup our guidelines and to ensure that our business operation is free from any form of human rights violations. The said policy encourages to support the work conditions of Asia Cement’s employees to be in accordance with internationally accepted labor standards, providing priority to communities and the surrounding of our location. In addition, we are also trying to encourage our stakeholders to focus on human rights issues as well.
- Purchasing
Supplier and Purchasing Information
- General Purchasing Terms and Conditions
- Supplier Code of Conduct
- General safety requirement and rules for contractors -Type 2(TH)
- General safety requirement and rules for contractors -Type 4(TH)
- Asia Cement Privacy Policy