Best Occupational and Environmental Health Organization (Gold Plaque of National Level)
Jalaprathan Cement’s Takli Plant was awarded 2018 Gold Plaque of National Level from joining in the “Disease-free, Safety, Healthy Body and Mind Workplace Project” of the Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Public Health.
The purpose of such project is to strengthen the employees' value and quality of life, encourage the working age population to be healthy with occupational and environmental safety as well as good mental health. Occupational safety includes the risk factors that cause accidents, hazardous chemical, machines, electrical system or unexpected incidents that cause injury, death or loss.
Being granted such award shows the company's responsibility and proceeding in line with its sustainable development policy.

1_Best Occupational and Environmental Health Organization.

2_Best Occupational and Environmental Health Organization.

3_Best Occupational and Environmental Health Organization.

1_Best Occupational and Environmental Health Organization.

2_Best Occupational and Environmental Health Organization.

3_Best Occupational and Environmental Health Organization.