TCMA together with 25 alliances announced "Mission 2023" on greenhouse gas mitigation
TCMA together with 25 alliances announced "Mission 2023" on greenhouse gas mitigation
Thai Cement Manufacturers Association (TCMA) announced to join with 25 alliances from government agencies, professional sector, industrial sector, and academic sector on mitigating 1,000,000 ton CO2 of greenhouse gas within 2 years to advance towards carbon neutrality on industrial process and product use including clinker replacement measure by stimulating hydraulic cement consumption to mitigate greenhouse gas in accordance with the national plan. Cement then will turn to become an eco-friendly product. Besides, TCMA declared its achievement on mitigating 300,000 ton CO2 in the previous year which is ahead of schedule.
Mr. Chana Phumee, President of Thai Cement Manufacturers Association (TCMA) stated that "Mission 2023" is the commitment to move on working together with alliances to advance towards carbon neutrality on industrial process and product use including clinker replacement measure by driving for manufacturing of hydraulic cement to achieve 1,000,000 ton CO2 mitigation in 2023. He simultaneously declared that 300,000 ton CO2 of greenhouse gas emission could be reduced in the previous year which is ahead of schedule. This demonstrated the accomplishment of determination.
"Cement industry is the first industry in Thailand that intends to mitigate greenhouse gas by continual
working together with alliances 300,000 ton CO2 of greenhouse gas emission could be reduced in the year 2021, completed before the deadline in 2022. This is the result of the cooperation between TCMA and 16 associates from government agencies, professional sector, industrial sector, and academic sector with the support of 5 ministries. We therefore announced "MISSION 2023" together with 25 alliances aiming at mitigating 1,000,000 ton CO2 within the year 2023 by encouraging all sectors to use hydraulic cement in all types of construction projects in order to jointly achieve the alleviation of greenhouse gas emission." stated Mr. Chana.
Combining 25 alliances to mitigate greenhouse gas
For "MISSION 2023" TCMA has been working together with several agencies having a similar goal to reduce 1,000,000 ton CO2 of greenhouse gas within the year 2023. There are 25 alliances working together to achieve the goal with the support of 6 ministries, i.e. Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Transport, Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, Ministry of Commerce as well as professional sector, industrial sector, and academic sector. All of them will jointly move on to achieve the goal by improving the construction standard of each agency, enhancing product standard, creating knowledge, and understanding and promoting product research and development.
"With the determination and proactive work of cement industry to encourage in Thailand's greenhouse gas mitigation policy as declared in COP 26 Meeting, cement industry is the first one of the countries that clearly announced its aim to move on this subject. Hydraulic cement manufacture is concentrated in accordance with the clinker replacement measure in order to mitigate greenhouse gas. Simultaneously it has been promoted to be used in construction instead of conventional cement. This can create a great turning point in cement products which will greatly enhance the greenhouse gas mitigation and being eco-friendly."
Accelerating to alter construction materials in Thailand to get along with the global trend
Nowadays our world turns to use more eco-friendly construction materials in order to mitigate greenhouse gas and global warming. Cement industry in both national and international levels has concentrated in enhancing greenhouse gas mitigation in cement production process. Cement industry in Thailand then has been implementing the research and development on material science as well as adopting technologies to be utilized for "hydraulic cement" manufacturing to help mitigating greenhouse gas and respond to sustainable development by optimal use of resources according to BCG guideline and to eventually be a low carbon society.